Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Well its the begining of a new year..

It just rolls around so fast, I feel like I blink, and there is the year ... GONE!

But such is life, and I feel that as I get older, and my life gets busier, this will always be the case

I am not usually a New Years resolutions kinda girl, but this year I have decided to make two

1.)  Pass all my University Papers

2.) Get to my goal weight

The reason I have made these this year, is because they are 2 things that I want REALLY badly, and I
feel like if I make them my resolution, and focus myself on them, I will acheive them!!
My monkey is going into daycare this year, which I am really nervous about.  I feel sad that I will be
leaving him for a few days a week.  I know I will be ok, but its a huge deal when you are the only one

who has been responsible for his care for 17 months

I am really happy with who he is going to be with, so that makes me feel so much better.

Im missing my beautiful sister, and really wishing that I could see her.........

Loving life...... its good.......

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