Last week I was feeling really really homesick.... it was a rainy week, and I was trapped inside with Harry all day long, everyday and I felt homesick....
My lovely husband, sent me a beautiful bunch of flowers with the courier, and then only 2 days later I got sent another beautiful bunch of flowers from a new friend I have made.....
I feel really spoilt..... But it got me thinking.... Would you prefer chocolate or flowers if you had the choice?
I know that I am definately a flowers girl... Esp if I am feeling down... they just seem to make me feel happy looking at them!....
Dont get me wrong.. I loooooove chocolate, but dont love the way I feel after I have eaten it!!
What would you prefer??
Chocolates! I always feel a little puzzled when people send me flowers. They're pretty for a day or two before they wilt and die... give me chocolates instead anyday.