Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A blog change

I have spent the best part of today, playing around with my blog, and trying to customise it so that it doesnt look so boring.

No one ever told me I needed to be a graphic designer to do it.

My title still does not fit into my banner, and im not too happy with how little of my template shows on each side of my blog (the template is so pretty)

So if anyone is able to help me, it would be much appreciated


  1. heya, I played around this morning when I saw you had changed your background and have come up with a banner with your title on it (2 versions I have done) - let me know how I can show them to you (email address maybe?), and you are welcome to use them, or if you have any changes you might like done I could play around more. I love your background you have chosen now!

    1. oh and i wont be offended if you don't like them or want to use one, was just a way to waste some time as I had an early rising this morning!

  2. Hi Kate!..

    Oh I would love to have a look at them.

    My email address is

    Thanks for the help.... I was so frustrated yesterday lol
