Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A new acheivement

Today I weighed myself first thing when I woke up this morning, and I have FINALLY.. after many many years weighed less than 84kgs.  I now weigh 83.8kgs, and I am feeling really proud of myself. 

I have been working so hard with a personal trainer 3x weekly, and have been watching what I eat, and for a while I was on Weight Watchers..

In total since april last year I have lost 13kgs.....  Slow and steady wins the race right?

My goal is to get down to 70kgs, which would still put me in the overweight range for my BMI, but I know that I will not look overweight at 70kgs.

I also went and had my hair coloured today..  Its lovely to have it re-done, looking fresh and clean. Now I just need a facial, a massage, and a pedicure...

Yeah... Im dreaming

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