This blog is about my DH..
My man is amazing, we have been married 2.5 years, and I could not be married to a better man. He is SO kind and SO SO patient... On days where I feel "off" or am just having a hard time, he is always there to scoop me up.
He will assure me I need to rest and he will take everything on.
He never gets annoyed when I cry, rather he takes me in and holds me and lets me know its ok.
He ALWAYS makes me laugh
He is gentle with me, and is considerate of how I feel
He provides for our family, and is always trying to find ways to better himself so we can have a better life
He never gets angry or yells, he will just talk things out with me
He is always the first person there to help someone else
He plays with my hair
He cooks!!!!!!!!
He cleans... (not without a huff ).... ill let that one go!!!!
He never speaks bad about other people, and pulls me up if I start to
He lets me be who I want to be, and doesnt try and change me
He is fantastic with kids, which makes me want to have a million with him.... (but thats not going to happen)
He is an office guy, but loves getting his hands dirty
He is passionate
He is open and honest about how he feels
He isnt afraid to cry infront of me
He wants to be the best Dad he can be
My DH is truely a gift from God.... I am the luckiest girl in the world!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Its making my heart beat fast....
No its nothing dodgy... although Im sure DH wishes it was, BUT Im considering going back to work part time....eeek
I wasnt planning on it, and I dont really want to have to, but we need to go back to South Africa this year for Dh's sisters wedding, and there is no way we will be able to afford it for the 3 of us, with only one income....
So I have been organising a lady who we are friends with, and she is happy to look after him (which is great because I trust her)
I just feel so nervous, and unsure about leaving him. Even though this was my decision, and not DH's, I still feel sad, but know that it will only be 2 days a week that he wont be with me, and all the others I will.
Anyway, on a good note, DH has been asked for a 2nd interview with the company he applied for, so we are really hoping that he gets the job!!
Well im off to bake... wish me luck !!
I wasnt planning on it, and I dont really want to have to, but we need to go back to South Africa this year for Dh's sisters wedding, and there is no way we will be able to afford it for the 3 of us, with only one income....
So I have been organising a lady who we are friends with, and she is happy to look after him (which is great because I trust her)
I just feel so nervous, and unsure about leaving him. Even though this was my decision, and not DH's, I still feel sad, but know that it will only be 2 days a week that he wont be with me, and all the others I will.
Anyway, on a good note, DH has been asked for a 2nd interview with the company he applied for, so we are really hoping that he gets the job!!
Well im off to bake... wish me luck !!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Looking back @ 2010!!
1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?:
Had a baby!!!
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?:
TBH I cant remember my NY resolutions..... Pointless in having any really.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes one friend had her baby in June. She is the cutest.
4. Did anyone close to you die?:
Nope, I have never had someone I know, or let alone close to me die.
5. What countries did you visit?:
None, but the year before I went to Canada, US, and Australia!
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?:
My own home, a breast reduction, and a lot less weight on my body!!! (oh and a cleaner house)
7. What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?:
12th of August. This is the day I gave birth to my son.... the apple of my eye... My little monkey boy Harrison.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?:
Definately growing a baby until term, and then giving birth
9. What was your biggest failure?:
Saving the amount of money that I would have liked to...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?:
No, none at all. I have not been sick or injured (even with a cold) for more than a year.
11. Where did most of your money go?:
Well rent... of course... but disposable income went to DH's visa requirements, medicals, police clearances..... etc.... its a money pit!!
12. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The birth of my baby.. moving into our new house with a pool..... 1st Christmas with Harry, having a home with a bath in it... (bliss)
13. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or more sad?: Happier.... Im not pregnant and spewing my guts out.
13. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or more sad?: Happier.... Im not pregnant and spewing my guts out.
ii. thinner or fatter?: WAYYY fatter..... infact probably 15kgs fatter!!
iii. richer or poorer?: Probably the same. Much more in control of our finances now, which I suppose is a good thing.
14. What was your favourite TV programme?: The golden mile
iii. richer or poorer?: Probably the same. Much more in control of our finances now, which I suppose is a good thing.
14. What was your favourite TV programme?: The golden mile
15. What was the best book you read?:The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo.... highly reccomend!
16. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?:My birthday was last week, and I was 24. The first year I have felt like I am getting old... which Im not, but nevertheless, that feeling was there.
17. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?:Well if you consider maternity wear fashionable, then probably quite styley. :)
18. What kept you sane?:
My wonderful husband!!!
19. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010:
Do not try and work a full time admin job from home with a 2 week old baby!!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Two Eleven
Happy new year...... Yes slightly delayed but Ive been on holiday...
I have had such a nice time this summer with DH. He has had 3 weeks off and I think this is the longest we have had together since being married. I am however, ready for him to go back to work and have my days back..... I am looking forward to missing him again in the afternoons and watching the clock until he gets home.
DH is busy looking for a new job, and went for an interview yesterday. He seems pretty confident that he will get it, so FX we will find out next week!!
On a not so great note, I went swimming when we were on holiday, and now I am covered head to toe in sea lice bites... which FYI are horrendously itchy, and dont go away the next day.... they stay for days and days and are as itchy as the day you got them. Id highly reccomend you dont get any.....
This year is going to be a good year. I dont have any huge resolutions, but I do have some goals (if thats what I can call them)
1. Get up early in the morning and be more productive with my day... (no sleeping in until 11 or whatever time I feel like crawling out of bed)
2. Loose weight....... The never ending battle....
3. Buy our own house... yes this one is big, but that is the plan this year.
Id love to hear yours... and if they are good I might pinch them....
I have had such a nice time this summer with DH. He has had 3 weeks off and I think this is the longest we have had together since being married. I am however, ready for him to go back to work and have my days back..... I am looking forward to missing him again in the afternoons and watching the clock until he gets home.
DH is busy looking for a new job, and went for an interview yesterday. He seems pretty confident that he will get it, so FX we will find out next week!!
On a not so great note, I went swimming when we were on holiday, and now I am covered head to toe in sea lice bites... which FYI are horrendously itchy, and dont go away the next day.... they stay for days and days and are as itchy as the day you got them. Id highly reccomend you dont get any.....
This year is going to be a good year. I dont have any huge resolutions, but I do have some goals (if thats what I can call them)
1. Get up early in the morning and be more productive with my day... (no sleeping in until 11 or whatever time I feel like crawling out of bed)
2. Loose weight....... The never ending battle....
3. Buy our own house... yes this one is big, but that is the plan this year.
Id love to hear yours... and if they are good I might pinch them....
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